How to Prepare for a Photo Shoot | One of a Kind Photography | Advice

Virginia Beach Photographers One of a Kind Photography Hampton Roads Professional Photographer

Being in front of a camera can be intimidating and awkward.

For me, it’s not hard to see the beauty in people and things, but emotions always take the forefront in photographs.

Your mood determines the outcome of your photo shoot.  If you’re not comfortable, it will show like a sore thumb in your photos.

If you’re not going for an awkward look, here are some tips to help you out!

First, look at your face in a mirror.  What is it that you like best about your face?  What do you least like?  Okay, now you know what to avoid and what to highlight.

For me, I dislike a whole side of my face (haha), so I always avoid that side.  I most like my lips, so I make sure to emphasize them by making a slight pout or a half smile.

Next.. examine your posture, hairline, shoulders, everything.  Figure out how you like standing and sitting.

Practice your poses in the mirror.  Full length is better, but a bathroom mirror works too.  Get familiar with where to put your hands and how to stand.

Taking the initiative and practicing the night before, or even an hour before, will help you achieve the photos you are looking for.

Your Photographer Should Help You.

It helps when a client walks into a room, sits on the stool, and immediately starts posing for you.  I don’t count on that though.

Helping clients recognize their striking qualities and explaining why I pose them the way I do, helps too.  Not everyone has had modeling classes or walked the catwalk.

Knowing that a family of 8 is chaotic and being prepared for it, helps tremendously.  Calming the baby, or telling their daughter she’s as pretty as a princess, offers my clients a great experience and the opportunity for great photos.


Okay, quick recap… make sure your are prepared, practice before your photo shoot, and pick a photographer that fits well in your dynamic life!

xoxo, Mikki